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Muay Thai

Learner's Outcome: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences


Learning Muay Thai was a good experience as it is full body workout which helps increase  my stamina as well as made me


Learner's Outcome: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process


While being under lockdown for several weeks, I had felt isolated and anxious.Moreover since our school had to move to online learning, I felt overwhelmed. This was when I was introduced to meditation and its benefits. I had tried it in hopes to feel more calm and collected. As I started to learn more about meditation I felt more active and made me feel more emotionally balanced, this encouraged me to learn more meditating practices and skills. 

Dance Workout 

Learner's Outcome: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences


While thinking about other ways to stay active at home, I came across a video of a dance workout. This seemed really fun and exciting which made me want to try it to. While doing the dance routine workout I realised that the routine was much harder than what I had expected, which made it more challenging. 

This also led me to learn more activities that can keep me fit and active but which are also really engaging and different from normal workout routines. 

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