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Mercy Center

Learner's Outcome: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance


Mercy center is a NGO that is a home to over 200 orphan children. We visited Mercy Center on 12th December 2019 in hopes to spread the Christmas cheer. Before we visited them we collected donations and during the visit we were able to meet and bond with the children there. Through this visit I was able to reflect on myself I understood the importance of  giving back to the community and how small initiatives could have a large impact on others. 

First Aid Kit Assembly 

Learner's Outcome: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance


The members of the SerWIS club were given the opportunity to assemble First Aid Kits which were then given to needy people from slum areas. This group effort was very meaningful for the members of the club as our efforts to assemble a kit would greatly influence the lives of others in a positive manner and this resulted in the members of the club to work together. 

This experience gave us a good understanding of the community around us and made us aware of the little steps we can take in order to tackle global issues like poverty. 

Halloween Treats Packaging 

Learner's Outcome : Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.

A week before halloween, the members of the Spirits and Events committee worked together to organise a halloween treat giveaway for all the high school students.The members of the club had to work together and organise treats, pack them as well as coming up with an effective way to distribute the treats before the Day of Halloween. 

Through the team effort I was able to learn how to communicate and coordinate with many people as well as to learn how to organise my time in order for us to make sure the halloween treats were distributed on the time that we had promised.




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