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For my CAS project I had to first brainstorm the different possible CAS experiences from the 3 strands. After some thinking I realised that I was going to make my CAS Project based on the Activity and Creativity strands and more specifically I decided to learn a couple of workout routines through the internet and then hopefully make a personalised routine after which I think is best for me. 




In order to start learning different workout routines I had to make sure I knew exactly what I wanted. I decided that I would dedicate about an hour to workout everyday, this helped me shortlist the different workout routines I could possibly use. I also made sure to arrange for equipment like a yoga mat. 

I had decided to follow two YouTube channels (Chloe Ting and Emi Wong) as I thought they were really interesting and had the right intensity that I had preferred.



After finalising the different videos that I would be following, I had started to workout using those routines. While doing the different routines I was able to learn different exercises as well as it helped me identify exercises that I thought were more inclined to what I was interested in. 

After about 3 weeks of following the different routines, I had begun to try making my own workout routines based on the videos I had watched as well as based on what I thought seemed to work for me. By making my own workout routines I feel like I am more in control of how I exercise and it also allows me to make adjustments to the duration of my workout routine based on my daily schedule. 



By following the different exercises routines I was able to realise the importance of exercise and how it has a positive impact on one’s mental and physical health. I was also able to identify that I had preferred doing cardio and strengthening exercises as I had considered it to be something I was weak and as well as something I could improve on.



Through this CAS Project I was able to make my own workout routine that fulfilled my requirements ( the workout must not be more than an hour and must be flexible). Moreover, it helped me understand the importance of exercise and in order to inform more people about my experience exercising I also presented my findings as my TOK Passion Project. By making a presentation of my findings I was able to spread my knowledge and experience with others which also led others wanting to experience it for themselves.


Learner's Outcome:

  • Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

  • Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

  • Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences


 Link to Presentation:

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