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Learner's Outcome: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences. 


During the Spring break I thought of trying something new since I couldn't go out due to the current situation. Since I don't usually cook I thought of doing something easy. I did some research and found all the ingredients to make mug cakes as well as dalgona coffee. Although making these dishes were pretty simple I still felt like I had tried something new and it was more fun than I had expected it to be! This also made me want to try different recipes and cook more and I have already started collecting recipes to make during the summer break. 

Through this experience I was able to learn some important life skills that I can use in the future. 

Halloween Treats Packaging 

Learner's Outcome : Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.

A week before halloween, the members of the Spirits and Events committee worked together to organise a halloween treat giveaway for all the high school students.The members of the club had to work together and organise treats, pack them as well as coming up with an effective way to distribute the treats before the Day of Halloween. 

Through the team effort I was able to learn how to communicate and coordinate with many people as well as to learn how to organise my time in order for us to make sure the halloween treats were distributed on the time that we had promised.




Jump Foundation Workshop (Online) 

Learner's Outcome :

  • Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

  • Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth


On the 2nd of October 2020, I was able to attend a workshop known as the ‘ social action workshop’ conducted by Jump Foundation. The workshop mainly focused on helping us know more about ourselves and also tried to make us understand  others in our community. Some activities such as identifying and realising one’s core values were very beneficial as it makes us realise how important our core values are and its effect on our daily lives and the decisions we make. This experience helped me be more mindful of my thoughts and emotions as well as made me more considerate of others. This workshop helped me gain more insight on topics such as values and also showed me a few weaknesses that I could work on in order to feel more emotionally stable.




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